So. . . what do you think?!

Thank you for participating in Community in Conversation, an initiative to understand behaviors and attitudes around tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use in the Somerset Hills. The results of this survey will help Community in Crisis provide more responsive programming for the Somerset Hills and observe how our community changes year over year.

This survey is VOLUNTARY and ANONYMOUS. If you do not want to answer a question, please leave it blank and move on to the next question.

At the end of this survey, you’ll have the opportunity to click a link to a separate survey—completely disconnected from your responses—where you can enter your contact information for a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card or express interest in participating in a brief (30-60 minute) interview to share insights on youth substance use in the Somerset Hills community.

This survey takes an average of 5 minutes to complete.

If you have any questions or comments about this survey, please contact Caitlyn Allen at Epiphany Community Services at
7% of survey complete.